Optimizing Wealth for Generations

We believe our philosophy around wealth management employs proven strategies, yet does not rely solely on conventional wisdom and traditional approaches. We endeavor to think creatively, asking different questions and innovating new solutions, to generate a more sustainable, long-term foundation for your wealth.

Looking Beyond Net Worth.
Focusing on “Net Keep”

Central to our approach is an intentional and proactive focus on your net keep, not just your net worth. At Syon Capital, we aim to customize your wealth plan to maximize returns — after taxes and fees — across all your assets and finances.

Tax-smart planning provides advantages for a lifetime — allowing you to grow, protect, and transfer more of your wealth. Tax-smart investing can take many forms — Syon Capital strives to go beyond typical strategies with active tax-loss harvesting, an innovative and strategic component of every client’s financial plan. We believe that this heightened focus on tax-smart strategies allows your portfolio to be nimble in down markets — that can help keep more of your wealth working for your future, and your family.

Comprehensive Tax-Aware Strategies

  • Active tax-loss harvesting
  • Strategies for restricted or concentrated holdings
  • Tax-aware investment and liability management
  • Retirement strategies
  • Estate planning
  • Charitable giving
  • Tax-sensitive distributions and withdrawals